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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2020/2021 School Year

2nd Nov 2020
Our school seeks to be a ‘listening school’ and will do its best to enable...
2nd Nov 2020
If your child is not in receipt of Free School Meals and you are eligible to apply;...
2nd Nov 2020
During November we remember and pray for the dead Eternal Rest Eternal rest grant...
2nd Nov 2020
At present, due to the school closure before Hallowe’en , our school photographer...
2nd Nov 2020
Due to the present restrictions we will not be able to host Parent / Teacher Meetings...
2nd Nov 2020
Attention Year 5 children Have you got your shoeboxes ready yet? We will be arranging...
2nd Nov 2020
  Are you receiving text messages, letters linked by text messages and emails...