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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2022/2023 School Year

3rd Oct 2022
Fr Boland will celebrate Confirmation with our Year 7 Pupils this year. Dates are...
3rd Oct 2022
Our school photographer will be in school to take our children’s photographs...
3rd Oct 2022
We have three simple school rules in St. Catherine’s which everyone should...
3rd Oct 2022
It is crucial that our children have opportunities for physical fitness and learning...
3rd Oct 2022
School Dinners Children may bring their own lunch or they may have a school dinner...
3rd Oct 2022
As I am sure you will appreciate, it is vitally important that we hold accurate records,...
3rd Oct 2022
School will be closed for the Hallowe’en Break from MONDAY 31st October until...
3rd Oct 2022
In the interests of Health & Safety we ask our parents/ carers/ pupils not to...
3rd Oct 2022
The school year is made up of three TERMS. Term 1: September to ChristmasTerm 2...
3rd Oct 2022
Communication has never been more important than it is at this very time. We are...