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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2018/2019 School Year

14th Nov 2018
Celebrating Anti Bullying Week. The theme this year is Choose Respect. This is a...
11th Nov 2018
Great news for our school musicians, our Year 5 Strings Pupils can...
11th Nov 2018
Our PTFA will be hosting a raffle on each school site. Tickets are 20p each. The...
11th Nov 2018
In addition to the many crafters we will have for you to peruse, our PTFA runs...
11th Nov 2018
If your child ever loses their school tie, ties are on sale at the school office...
11th Nov 2018
In addition to Brass and Strings lessons, we will now pilot Singing (Vocal Coaching...
11th Nov 2018
Our Annual Parent Teacher Meetings will take place over the next two weeks in school. Teachers...
11th Nov 2018
Shoeboxes need to be in school before or on WEDNESDAY 14th November They...
11th Nov 2018
Due to apply for Nursery or Year 1 places this year? All applications can only...