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Year 1 and 2 Mini Me Yoga.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
There has been huge interest and response to the upcoming Mini Me Yoga club for years 1 and 2. Due to this and in the interest of health and safety for our little pupils, it has been necessary to secure two 6 week blocks of yoga to accommodate both year groups.
Therefore, Year 1 only Mini Me Yoga will begin Monday 14th January until Monday 25th February @ 2.15pm – 3pm on the Junior School Site.
Year 2 only Mini Me Yoga will begin the week of the 4th March for 6 weeks (day to be confirmed) Year 2 parents will be informed of the day as soon as possible.
We are very fortunate to have secured this extended schools club and are committed to all our younger children availing of this great and beneficial opportunity.
We hope you understand the need to provide two separate sessions.
Many thanks for your continued support!
Mrs C Gormley
Extended Schools Leader
- Please note…all pupils please bring P.E gear, a yoga/exercise mat or a large towel and a bottle of water to yoga sessions .
St Catherines Primary School, 1 Newtownkennedy St, Strabane, County Tyrone, BT82 8HT