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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks

Welcome Back to School!

5th Sep 2022

It is with great excitement and joy that I, coupled with the entire staff and Governors, welcome you and your child(ren) to St. Catherine’s Primary School. We value each and every little child and we will work so hard to ensure that your child’s educational experience at St. Catherine’s will indeed be a valuable and beneficial one preparing them for the future. Thank you for entrusting your child to us. We are very proud of all our
children and look forward to this year with much excitement, hope and enthusiasm. Thank
you for your support to date and we appreciate your patience, understanding and dedication as we embark on this new school year 2022 2023! Communication with each other therefore remains vital going forward so please keep in touch!

God bless you all!

Please note: Our monthly newsletter will give you all the school information that you require for each month ahead. There is a calendar will give you an overview of the MAIN events happening in school in the month ahead. If arrangements change during the month we will text you to update you regarding this. This newsletter will
be emailed out to parents instead of sending home a paper copy. It will also be uploaded and available to our parents on our website and also available on our FREE School APP which you can download to your phone. (Details of these are on the letter head above). It is vital that we hold your current email address and mobile phone number or you may not receive vital school updates.