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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks

Latest News:

3rd Dec 2021

Our hard working P.T.F.A. have been beavering away trying to find ways to raise much needed money for new CLEVERTOUCH INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARDS for our little children’s classes. These are state of the art technology…only the best for our little children! We have interactive whiteboards in all classes bit some of these now need updated! They cost £3400 each approximately. Now there’s a challenge!!

So far we have raised £485 from our Hallowe’en Cinema Activity in school.

We have now announced a GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW.

DRAW CARDS with 20 lines each on them have been sent home to our little children for each pupil. We know that times are difficult for families so we only ask that each child does their best to sell some or ideally ALL of the lines on their card. The lines cost £1 each so each card raises £20 per child if filled. If our little children can fill their card, they will then be entered into a special draw for those who sold a full card. The prize is a chocolate hamper! Tasty! All draw cards should be returned no later than Friday 10th December and the Grand Draw will take place on Wednesday 15th December. Prizewinners will be notified to their mobile number after the draw.

There are 25 fabulous prizes in the draw which are all listed on the back of the Draw Cards.

Heartfelt thanks to local businesses for very kindly donating gifts both for our Christmas Draw and also for prizes for Christmas Nativity Raffles and other upcoming fundraising events in our school. We have made a little film to thank our sponsors for their generosity in these very challenging times.

If anyone would like to join our P.T.F.A. to give a little time to helping raise much needed funds for our little children in school, you are more than welcome….always happy to have more in the team!
Keep an eye out for future upcoming fundraising events!!

Many thanks , St. Catherine’s Nursery and Primary School P.T.F.A.