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St. Laurence O�Toole�s Primary School Belleeks

Keeping close to God during these times

3rd May 2020

Drawing Near to God-Drawing a Prayer

Karen Kiefer has developed another wonderful resource based on her book Drawing God. The link above allows you to access her wonderful resource -Draw Near to God-National Day of Prayer (U.S.A) on 7th May- we can join in and make it an International Drawing God Day!!! “The global pandemic and our National Day of Prayer got me thinking about the power of prayer and the way we pray. Some recite prayers that they know. Others sing prayers. But the opportunity to write and draw a prayer seemed creative and limitless. If prayer is a conversation with God, what would you like to say? How can you express those thoughts in a drawing? As usual, kids do that best. The new drawing prayer kit helps to start conversations with kids and helps them draw their prayers. We are opening a virtual prayer wall in the museum to post intentions and art. The new Kit, Draw Near to God is here- and will live long past May 7th”

Karen Kiefer

May resources for Religion are available at

As you may have seen Bishop McKeown is asking the Diocese to join him in any way as he conducts a virtual pilgrimage of Lough Derg -he is doing this to pray for end to the Coronavirus, to pray for those who have been deeply impacted by it-those suffering, those who have died, families grieving loved ones etc and thirdly to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as to how we live through this time and after this time.

Perhaps you might ask your children to join with him on Friday by making a May Altar, praying the Rosary or Stations of the Cross at home with your family or giving up something like sweets for the day, a favourite electronic gadget, a T.V. Programme.

Please send any photos of your activities to school Facebook page so we can share your wonderful activities.