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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2017/2018 School Year

23rd Oct 2017
Don't forget the get swinging lessons begin tonight in the junior school assembly...
18th Oct 2017
DON'T FORGET - Our PTFA will be running a Hallowe’en Disco in school for...
18th Oct 2017
School will be closed from Monday 30th October until Friday 3rd November (Inclusive)...
18th Oct 2017
We warmly invite all our Year 3 Parents and families to our Shared Prayer Assembly...
12th Oct 2017
There are still a few places available on Our Health Lifestyles Workshop taking...
12th Oct 2017
Are you up for learning how to swing dance as part of a BBC NI Programme? ...
9th Oct 2017
Just a reminder that our Christmas Craft Fair will take place on Thursday 23rd November...
9th Oct 2017
As you may be aware DENI funding for some sports coaching programmes has been cut....
6th Oct 2017
We are delighted to announce that our School Council has now been elected. Our...
6th Oct 2017
Can we ask that all Parents/Guardians please ensure that your most up to date contact...