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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2020/2021 School Year

5th Oct 2020
  • People are talking about Coronavirus because it is a new type...
5th Oct 2020
1. Every possible precaution will be taken to keep our little children and their...
5th Oct 2020
5-10-20 Dear Parent/ Carer/ Guardian, As you are aware we reopened our school...
5th Oct 2020
Dear Parents, Now that we have started back to school full time and are gradually...
5th Oct 2020
We are aware that some parents/ carers use the car parking opposite the Junior...
5th Oct 2020
Junior School : Monday, Wednesday, Friday – Mrs Wilders Tuesday,...
5th Oct 2020
Season of Creation - Growing Hope Week Sunday, 27th September to Sunday, 4th October...
5th Oct 2020
Our annual book fair will be here next week! To try to minimise the spread of the...