Access Keys:

St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2022/2023 School Year

3rd Apr 2023
TICKETS RELEASE DATES : FROM 2pm-3pm on MONDAY 24TH APRIL. Tickets will be on...
3rd Apr 2023
As you may be aware Mary Poppins is a musical set in 1900’s. We do need some...
3rd Apr 2023
As you may be aware a show of the calibre of Mary Poppins costs a considerable amount...
3rd Apr 2023
The Stations of the Cross will take place on the Junior School, Newtownkennedy Street...
3rd Apr 2023
School will close at 12 Noon on Holy Thursday 6th April for the Easter Break(Children...
3rd Apr 2023
The school money app is now open for payment of Milk Money. Cost of Milk from...
3rd Apr 2023
(For pupils in Year 1 or 2 who have older siblings at our school) Gentle Reminder:...
3rd Apr 2023
We have been trialling School Money App and so far it works well. We will be adding...
3rd Apr 2023
We are aware of the ongoing Traffic Concerns and congestion that can occur at our...
3rd Apr 2023
Watch out on Tuesday for a special visitor to our school…….Are you...