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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2022/2023 School Year

5th Jun 2023
Parents Information: Due to the new ONLINE ADMISSIONS Process for Year 7 Pupils,...
5th Jun 2023
Every year our children enjoy their End of Year Trip with their classmates and their...
5th Jun 2023
School closes on FRIDAY 30th JUNE at 12 Noon for the Summer Holidays. We wish...
5th Jun 2023
This year we will be having Sports Events for our little pupils with dates in June...
5th Jun 2023
Nursery Graduations will take place this year in school. Unlike last year we...
5th Jun 2023
We will be issuing school reports to every parent about their child’s progress...
5th Jun 2023
We will have a very special Leavers Mass for our fabulous Year 7 in the Church on...
5th Jun 2023
We simply cannot wait to meet our little pupils who will be starting in Nursery...
5th Jun 2023
ALL APPLICATIONS for Free School Meals / Uniform allowance MUST be made ONLINE this...
5th Jun 2023
Every year, children may wear their Summer Uniform when the weather gets a little...