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Big Parenting Survey NI 2024
Parenting NI, committed to supporting parents and ensuring that their voices are heard, are launching the 2024 Big Parenting Survey and are keen to reach more parents than ever before. It is arguably more important than ever to gain an insight into the realities of parenting in Northern Ireland, particularly given the current cost of living crisis which is putting extreme pressure on parents and families.
We are asking all parents to take this opportunity to be part of our anonymous "Big Parenting Survey" 2024. This survey will give them a chance to tell us about their experiences, the high points and the struggles. This will help shape the work of Parenting NI and enable Parenting NI to lobby and campaign for change for a better Northern Ireland for all families.
We would encourage anyone in a parenting role to please use the link or visit Parentingni.org to complete the survey which should take no longer than 10 minutes.
St Catherines Primary School, 1 Newtownkennedy St, Strabane, County Tyrone, BT82 8HT