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Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader is a fantastic programme, which we at St Catherine’s have invested in. It is available for every child in our school from Years 3 to 7. Children can read books and take online quizzes to gain points which they can later cash in for prizes in school! How exciting! Due to the current climate, Renaissance Learning have lifted restrictions and children are now able to quiz from home. What a wonderful opportunity to read books at home and gain points for what they have read! There are hundreds and thousands of book quizzes on Accelerated Reader and their individual points value can be found on AR book finder. www.arbookfind.co.uk Even if your child has never availed of this service they can still take part now, and from the comfort of their own homes! We would ask you to encourage your child to read as many books as possible during this time of uncertainty, not only does reading provide a sense of comfort and escape to children it will also greatly benefit their overall reading ability and confidence. Many of your books at home and in the town library are available on the programme. Also, all of our Oxford Reading Tree reading books are available on Accelerated Reader.
To gain access to our Accelerated Reader site you need to enter our unique URL: https://ukhosted67.renlearn.co.uk/2036425
A link to this site is also available on our school website under kids Corner - Kids Links. Every child’s individual username and password have been attached to their home/school learning packs. Please encourage your child to make the most of this wonderful opportunity. Wouldn’t it be lovely for your child to return to school excited to cash in their points for prizes for all their efforts at home! 😊
St Catherines Primary School, 1 Newtownkennedy St, Strabane, County Tyrone, BT82 8HT