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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2021/2022 School Year

3rd Feb 2022
As part of our education programme, children will take part in little activities...
3rd Feb 2022
Every possible precaution will continue to be taken to keep our little children...
3rd Feb 2022
If your family or any family that you know needs any emergency help in January ...
3rd Feb 2022
All proceeds in aid of our Clever Touch Interactive Whiteboards Fund. More details...
3rd Feb 2022
Our hard working P.T.F.A. have been beavering away trying to find ways to raise...
3rd Feb 2022
We have a large General Clothing Recycling Bank at the front of the Senior School...
3rd Feb 2022
We have Uniform Recycling Bins at the front of each school site. If anyone has any...
3rd Feb 2022
A copy of the Term 2 Extended Schools Newsletter with available after school clubs...
3rd Feb 2022
First Holy Communion will take place for all our Year 4 Pupils and their families...
3rd Feb 2022
Confirmation will take place for all our Year 7 Pupils and their families on Saturday...