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St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


2017/2018 School Year

12th Mar 2018
We would like to invite the children to wear an item of green clothing on Friday...
12th Mar 2018
  The Stations of the Cross will take place on the Junior School, Newtownkennedy...
5th Mar 2018
School will close on Monday 19th March to mark the St. Patrick’s Day Holiday....
5th Mar 2018
The last of the three preparation masses for Year 7 Confirmation will take place...
5th Mar 2018
  There are donation jars in every classroom in school. Children can contribute...
27th Feb 2018
In order to up skill our parents, we warmly invite you to a PATHS Parent Session...
27th Feb 2018
As part of our extended schools project, we are offering parents the opportunity...
27th Feb 2018
  Come along and join in our PTFA Meetings . . . . craic is good . . . ....
19th Feb 2018
On Monday 26th February our Year 6 and 7 Pupils will be hosting a Chinese New Year...
19th Feb 2018
The second Mass in preparation for Confirmation for Year 7 Pupils is called "Moved...