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- World Around Us
World Around Us
Children are naturally curious and often ask profound questions about themselves and the nature of the world around us. The purpose of this Area of Learning is to help children explore and find age appropriate answers to some of these big questions from the perspectives of geography, history and science and technology.
The purpose of learning about the World Around Us within the Northern Ireland Curriculum is to provide opportunities for children to develop:
- self – confidence and self – esteem in expressing and sharing their thoughts and ideas and developing an appreciation of the beauty and wonder of the world.
- an awareness of themselves and their place in the world, as well as of other places, cultures and the environment.
- an awareness of Information and Communication Technology and its impact on society and the world around them.
St Catherines Primary School, 1 Newtownkennedy St, Strabane, County Tyrone, BT82 8HT