Access Keys:

St. Laurence O’Toole’s Primary School Belleeks


May 2016 July 2016
Thursday, 2nd June 2016
Musical Showcase (10.00AM)
Year 1 Intake Induction (1.30PM Junior School)
Wednesday, 8th June 2016
Years 1-4 Sports Day (Senior Site @ 1.00PM)
Nursery Sports Day (10.00AM Senior Site)
Families Together Programme (9.15 - 11.00 AM ( Music Room Senior School))
Thursday, 9th June 2016
Fan The Flame Mass (11.00 AM Celtic Park Derry)
Friday, 10th June 2016
Sports Day P5-7 (Senior School @ 1.00PM)
Year 5 Paths Assembly (10.00AM Senior School Hall)
Tuesday, 14th June 2016
Eco Day
Thursday, 23rd June 2016
School Closure (Polling Station)
Monday, 27th June 2016
Last Bell Mass and Graduation (1.30PM)
Tuesday, 28th June 2016
Key Stage 1 Prize Giving (1.45PM Junior Site)
Thursday, 30th June 2016
School Closed For Summer (12.00)